Tuesday, April 26, 2011

P90X Day 1: Chest & Back

Yesterday was the first day of my P90X work-out. I was sort of excited about it all day. Unfortunately when I started the exercises I had a headache, and I had hoped that exercises would make me feel better, but that was not the case. I was able to push through the pull-ups, push ups. heavy pants, lawn mowers, and even backflys, but when it came to the second round of them I couldn't continue and instead lost my dinner in the toilet. At that point I decided that I should take it easy and laid in bed instead. I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't even complete my first work-out but I did manage to get half-way through it which isn't terrible. Tonight is Plyometrics and I am hopeful that I can have a better exercise experience.

What did do right yesterday was my healthy eating. I learned that Kashi Go Lean tastes nasty in milk, so bad in fact that I switched it out for some Honey Nut Cheerios in milk instead. I ate three types of fruit and I didn't eat after 7:00p.m.

Since yesterday was my start day here are my starting stats, and pics:

State Date: 4/25/2011

Weight 151.3, Body fat: 30.2%


  1. It's tough. Sounds like a migraine. Those don't go away no matter what you do. Mine are very much related to hormonal changes. I'm trying a new technique too, but I'm such a loser b/c I broke it already. I'm only eating at tables. For the most part I did it. I tend to eat bad when I'm on the couch or on the go. I think it's going to be critical to breaking my bad habits. Actually, I think I'm going to make it a rule in my house. B/c my kids (especially Josh) like to walk around and eat. And with Josh I never said anything b/c I didn't want to discourage him. He has always been so skinny. He finally is filling out a tad and isn't the best eater so I definitely don't want him learning bad habits from dad and I. I'll probably bend the rule for dad after bedtime. But he should do it too, b/c he likes to munch and watch TV.
