Friday, April 29, 2011

P90X Day 4: Arms and Shoulders

Yesterday's work out was less intense for me. I wasn't huffing and puffing like I was the past two days. This work out involved a ton of curls. I used my 5 lb weights but it's clear to me that I need to up my weights. I would really like some 8 lb weights, I just need to cough up the money to buy them. I can tell I need heavier weights because the final three curls were not all that challenging to me, and they are supposed to be a struggle. Overall I liked the work out, even if it wasn't as tough as it should have been. I hate my jiggly arms and anything to tone them up makes me happy.

Following the Arms & Shoulders work out I did the Ab Ripper. OWIE!!! It's sixteen minutes of pure ab torture. My abs were burning. I was not able to complete the full sets but I did my best. I would take a mini-break when I was dying and then continue on with the exercise when I felt I could handle more again. I cannot wait for the day when I can complete the exercises in the ab ripper. That will prove to me that I have come a really long way.

Yesterday for breakfast I had oatmeal on the suggestion of a friend and it was delicious. I added a little bit of brown sugar to give it some sweetness, and a little bit of milk. It was so tasty I think I'll have it again today. The rest of my eating went well. I ate my fruit. I stopped eating before 8:00, and I had a good breakfast. Yesterday was another good day.

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