Sunday, April 24, 2011

One last hurrah

Happy Easter everyone! This holiday is right up my alley because it always involves lots of candy. I am proud of myself this year because I cut way back. The E.B. only brought me 2 boxes of peeps (I love them stale though so I won't get to eat for at least a week but luckily they are pretty low calorie), 1 bag of Lindor Truffle eggs, and one chocolate butterfinger bunny. This may seem like a lot of candy to some of you, but take my word for it that this was a much smaller load then last year. The truffle eggs are especially yummy.

Tomorrow will be the first day of P90X for me. The first day of 90 days. I won't lie, I am a little intimated by committing myself to this for the next 90 days. By making my blog public and linking to it on Facebook, this ensures that I can't give up without at least some amount of embarrassment. However I do like to challenge myself, and by making this challenge so public, I think that it will give me the kick in the pants I need to succeed.

I've also come up with some minor daily goals to meet which are:

  • Eat a real sit down breakfast every.single.morning. (I am the queen of forgetting to eat breakfast or just grabbing a granola bar and running)
  • Eat at least one fruit a day. ( I am starting small because even one fruit a day is more than I normally eat. Today I had strawberries)
  • No eating after 8:00 p.m. (I am a total nighttime snacker. I love eating junk food while watching t.v.)
Today is my last big hurrah before the intensity begins. I had strawberry waffles with whipped cream for breakfast. I am enjoying my candy right now. Tonight hubby and I will dine on New York steaks, double stuffed potatoes, Mike's hard lemonades, and brownies for dessert. After today I will stick to a healthy eating plan. I will do my P90X. And at the end of this thing I have no doubt that I will be happier with my body then I have been in a long time. It's going to be quite a journey, but I think I am ready to push myself to the next level.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this long thing and totally got deleted. Anyways double cheers to you! You can do it. I'm so addicted to food and sugar so I know how hard it is. Enjoy tonight's dinner!
