Thursday, April 28, 2011

P90X Day 3: Cardio X

Last night I was supposed to do the Shoulders & Arms workout but I couldn't find the disk. I knew we had taken it with us when we went up to my IL's cabin last week, but last night I couldn't find it and Hubby was at work so I couldn't ask him. My options were waiting until hubby got home and using the disk then, or doing the next day's exercise, and since I doubted I'd want to start my exercise at ten at night I went ahead and did the Cardio X.

The Cardio X was a good mix up of all the cardio routines. I started with Yoga which I detest. I am not flexible, and I don't have great balance, but thankfully this is only a small slice of Yoga so I managed to make it through. Next up was Kenpo which I enjoy. Kicking and punching are pretty easy, and it got my heart rate going. That was followed by Pylometrics which is what I had done a full hour of the day before. I was sore from it still so having to do more Pylo kind of hurt, but it was the easier stuff so I managed that also. And finally the DVD ended with Core. And since I have yet to use the Core DVD so everything was new to me. The infamous Dreya rolls were nearly impossible but I tried my best, and the Superman/Banana's were pretty tough also. I ended the workout with a protein drink. It wasn't the tastiest but I thought I'd give it a try.

Today I woke up feeling sore. My legs hurt. It hurts to sit down which makes going to the restroom oh so much fun. I feel stiff and sore. I am trying to not step on the scale at all for the first 30 days of this challenge. I don't want to get caught up in scale numbers when I know I am gaining muscle. It's more important to wait and see what my body fat % is, and how my clothes fit. This isn't easy. I am like a scale obsessed monster, but I am trying to wait this out.

Lastly I ate well yesterday. I stayed within my calorie range. I made a nice fruit salad with dinner. And I stopped eating around 5:30 for the day. Overall it was a good healthy day for me and I am glad.

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