Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I started eating healthy this week, tracking my calories using My Fitness Pal. I've upped my exercise from just jogging/walking on Mondays, to doing exercise six days a week. This morning I stood on the scale and nothing. No change. And you'd think I'd be frustrated, and believe me I am. However, the good news is that I've been down this road before. I know to not expect a lot of change the first month. This is why we took pictures of ourselves on Day 1 of this journey. So that after Phase 1 we can take new pictures to compare. To visible SEE the changes on my body, because the scale says I'm staying the same, but I KNOW I am building muscle and changing my body for the better and when my clothes start falling off of me, which will happen, I will be elated. Just don't fall into the numbers trap the first month. Heck, maybe even don't weigh in for the first month. I tried that the first time I did P90X and it was very likely a good thing.

The last few workout have been good. Chest and Back was doable. I went a little easier just because I didn't want to be totally T-rex arms yesterday morning when I went to my part-time job cleaning houses. My arms were a little sore last night, but not nearly as bad as last week. Plyometrics was a nice, fast workout. We did the sports bonus also for the first time.

Other changes since starting P90X are that I sleep like a rock. Usually I wake up a couple of times a night to use the restroom at some point. Not anymore. I sleep solid until my alarm rings at 6:30. I like the solid sleeping Another change is being in just a better overall mood. And lastly, I feel closer to my husband. Whenever we do our exercise together I feel like it bonds us even more than normal. I like it. I like feeling like we are a team and in this together. It make me happy.

Everything is going smoothly thus far. P90X for the win!

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