Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 3

Well we made it to Week 3. This past week I wasn't nearly as sore as the first week. I imagine I won't hurt that much again until the beginning of Phase 2, but hopefully the worst is behind me. I ended the week on a high note. I lost a little weight, which made me happy. This week I am looking forward to working hard, and increasing my numbers. I feel comfortable with these exercises now to know how hard to push myself, without killing myself. Eating healthy is going well, it's not easy with so many good foods available and multiple special occasions on the horizon, but I have been tracking everything and sticking to my plan, so far, so good.

It's super hot here today. 107 degrees or something close to that, to be exact. It makes me not want to cook anything and heat up our house. But eating out is not an option, so I am off to make Taco Salad for us for dinner tonight. I'll check in again later on this week.

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