Sunday, June 1, 2014

Days 3,4,and 5

Hello blog world. The past few days I haven't blogged about our P90X journey, but let me assure you the P90X happened even if I didn't come here to tell you about the pain I was in. The arms work-out was rough, because I was still in a lot of pain from Day 1, but I managed to suck it up and get it done.

We always exchange the Yoga CD for the Cardio X CD. So we did Cardio X on Thursday and let me tell you how much those downward dogs and vinyasa's hurt me. Oh my! Soooo bad! The rest of the CD went by pretty fast and easy.

Friday we ate too much food, and so Legs & Back just were not going to happen, so we made Friday our rest day. You'll find that in any given week we can and will switch our rest day around. This comes in handy if we are sick, or have some special event that interferes with our P90X. Or sometimes just because we eat too much, or are too tired.

Saturday we did our Legs & Back instead. I hate the wall squats and chair salutations. They hurt. A lot. My legs burn and shake. The rest of it was o.k. I don't really like the Legs & Back workout. It's so long, and you can't really fast forward. But I need it, so I do it.

Today we have Kenpo and that will complete week 1. We'll start doing our Ab Ripper next week after the muscle building workout. I so need Ab Ripper. I SO hate Ab Ripper. We'll also start using My Fitness Pal to keep track of our calories. So far the scale hasn't budged but I didn't expect it to after the first week. By the end of Phase 1 I am hoping to see some progress in that department.

Have a good Sunday!

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