Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 1 complete! Onto Week 2

We finished up Week 1 last night with Kenpo. My hubby wasn't feeling too great so I didn't know if we'd get to complete the whole thing, but thankfully he managed it. I find that listening to really great music, and putting Tony on signals only makes the workout go by faster and it's a lot more fun. We do this for all the DVD's since we already know what to do.

I woke up today feeling a little sore. I know it always gets worse as the day progresses, so if I am sore right now, it's going to be a doozy later. On Mondays I do a brisk walk/run with my friend after we drop the kids off at school. I'll see how I do today after my week of P90X. Today is my double exercise day. We also started using My Fitness Pal. No more eating badly. I'm sad about that, but I need to get my eating habits back under control.

I'm looking forward to a good day of clean eating, double exercise, and getting stuff done around my house. Have a lovely Monday too!

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