Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 4 (Rest week)

My hubby and I find it amusing that Week 4 is a "rest" week when it certainly doesn't feel like resting. We started the Week out with Cardio X, which I always enjoy because it mixes things up between Yoga, Plyometrics, Kenpo, and Core all in a short 43 minute DVD.

Last night however was the horror of horrors, Core. I cannot stand Core. Almost all of the push-ups are nearly impossible for me to do. I know, modify modify, and I do but still.... they are tough. Prison Cell push-ups, and so much more, they are not my idea of resting at all. We got through them. Today we're taking a real rest day, because hubby is riding his bike tonight and it's rough on him to ride, and do any sort of jumping or leg exercise. He's training for this big bicycle ride that he's going on in September. I am super proud of him for even attempting the ride. This means double exercise for him a couple nights a week. He is amazing!

The rest of the week will be Kenpo, more Core and Cardio X. We may repeat rest week next week also because we're headed out of town for two days and we don't want to mess up Week 1 of Phase 2. Hubby is still looking into what we should do.

My weight has been down, and back up again. I'm not pleased with that, but I can't deny that my clothes are starting to feel looser again, and my muscles are building up. I'll see more when we take our pictures next Monday and can compare them to the Day 1 pictures we took.

Well I just wanted to check in and say we are still chugging along.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 3

Well we made it to Week 3. This past week I wasn't nearly as sore as the first week. I imagine I won't hurt that much again until the beginning of Phase 2, but hopefully the worst is behind me. I ended the week on a high note. I lost a little weight, which made me happy. This week I am looking forward to working hard, and increasing my numbers. I feel comfortable with these exercises now to know how hard to push myself, without killing myself. Eating healthy is going well, it's not easy with so many good foods available and multiple special occasions on the horizon, but I have been tracking everything and sticking to my plan, so far, so good.

It's super hot here today. 107 degrees or something close to that, to be exact. It makes me not want to cook anything and heat up our house. But eating out is not an option, so I am off to make Taco Salad for us for dinner tonight. I'll check in again later on this week.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I started eating healthy this week, tracking my calories using My Fitness Pal. I've upped my exercise from just jogging/walking on Mondays, to doing exercise six days a week. This morning I stood on the scale and nothing. No change. And you'd think I'd be frustrated, and believe me I am. However, the good news is that I've been down this road before. I know to not expect a lot of change the first month. This is why we took pictures of ourselves on Day 1 of this journey. So that after Phase 1 we can take new pictures to compare. To visible SEE the changes on my body, because the scale says I'm staying the same, but I KNOW I am building muscle and changing my body for the better and when my clothes start falling off of me, which will happen, I will be elated. Just don't fall into the numbers trap the first month. Heck, maybe even don't weigh in for the first month. I tried that the first time I did P90X and it was very likely a good thing.

The last few workout have been good. Chest and Back was doable. I went a little easier just because I didn't want to be totally T-rex arms yesterday morning when I went to my part-time job cleaning houses. My arms were a little sore last night, but not nearly as bad as last week. Plyometrics was a nice, fast workout. We did the sports bonus also for the first time.

Other changes since starting P90X are that I sleep like a rock. Usually I wake up a couple of times a night to use the restroom at some point. Not anymore. I sleep solid until my alarm rings at 6:30. I like the solid sleeping Another change is being in just a better overall mood. And lastly, I feel closer to my husband. Whenever we do our exercise together I feel like it bonds us even more than normal. I like it. I like feeling like we are a team and in this together. It make me happy.

Everything is going smoothly thus far. P90X for the win!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 1 complete! Onto Week 2

We finished up Week 1 last night with Kenpo. My hubby wasn't feeling too great so I didn't know if we'd get to complete the whole thing, but thankfully he managed it. I find that listening to really great music, and putting Tony on signals only makes the workout go by faster and it's a lot more fun. We do this for all the DVD's since we already know what to do.

I woke up today feeling a little sore. I know it always gets worse as the day progresses, so if I am sore right now, it's going to be a doozy later. On Mondays I do a brisk walk/run with my friend after we drop the kids off at school. I'll see how I do today after my week of P90X. Today is my double exercise day. We also started using My Fitness Pal. No more eating badly. I'm sad about that, but I need to get my eating habits back under control.

I'm looking forward to a good day of clean eating, double exercise, and getting stuff done around my house. Have a lovely Monday too!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Days 3,4,and 5

Hello blog world. The past few days I haven't blogged about our P90X journey, but let me assure you the P90X happened even if I didn't come here to tell you about the pain I was in. The arms work-out was rough, because I was still in a lot of pain from Day 1, but I managed to suck it up and get it done.

We always exchange the Yoga CD for the Cardio X CD. So we did Cardio X on Thursday and let me tell you how much those downward dogs and vinyasa's hurt me. Oh my! Soooo bad! The rest of the CD went by pretty fast and easy.

Friday we ate too much food, and so Legs & Back just were not going to happen, so we made Friday our rest day. You'll find that in any given week we can and will switch our rest day around. This comes in handy if we are sick, or have some special event that interferes with our P90X. Or sometimes just because we eat too much, or are too tired.

Saturday we did our Legs & Back instead. I hate the wall squats and chair salutations. They hurt. A lot. My legs burn and shake. The rest of it was o.k. I don't really like the Legs & Back workout. It's so long, and you can't really fast forward. But I need it, so I do it.

Today we have Kenpo and that will complete week 1. We'll start doing our Ab Ripper next week after the muscle building workout. I so need Ab Ripper. I SO hate Ab Ripper. We'll also start using My Fitness Pal to keep track of our calories. So far the scale hasn't budged but I didn't expect it to after the first week. By the end of Phase 1 I am hoping to see some progress in that department.

Have a good Sunday!