Friday, September 23, 2011

P90X Round 2: Phase 2 stats and pics

This phase had its ups and downs. I caught a cold so I missed a few days in this phase, but I still feel like when I did workout, I did my best. The longer this goes on, it has been harder to not burn out. Some days I just want a break. I don't want to do my P90X. But then I look in the mirror, or step on the scale, and I see all the progress I've made, and I don't want to give that up. My hard work wasn't for nothing.

My husband is my biggest source of encouragement. He lifts me up when I want to quit. He keeps me going, and for that I am grateful for without him I wouldn't be where I am today in so many areas of my life, not just weight loss.

So I am onto Phase 3. This should be the phase where I meet my final goal of 125. I am so close and it's well over a decade coming.

90 day Weight: 132.9
Body fat %: 25.9

120 day Weight: 131.1
Body fat %: 25.6%

150 day Weight: 126.8
Body fat %: 24.3%

Total Weight loss for Round 2: 6.1 pounds
Total body fat % loss for Round 2: 1.6%

Total weight loss since starting P90X: 24.5 pounds
Total body fat % loss since starting P90X: 5.9%

Pictures! Hubby goofed and put 60/180 when it should be 60/150 but other than that they look pretty good.

Thanks for looking. Before you know it I'll be done with the second round of P90X. Won't that be incredible?!


  1. Awesome!!! Very impressive!! What are you going to do when you finish this round?

  2. Stochat, I have plans to continue another round of P90X. I cannot stop now, not when the holidays are quickly approaching and the holidays are always where I gain the most weight. As long as I continue eating healthy and doing my P90X I think I can make it through the holidays with very little weight gain. I enjoy the Classic program so I will probably stick with another round of that.
