Friday, September 23, 2011

P90X Round 2: Phase 2 stats and pics

This phase had its ups and downs. I caught a cold so I missed a few days in this phase, but I still feel like when I did workout, I did my best. The longer this goes on, it has been harder to not burn out. Some days I just want a break. I don't want to do my P90X. But then I look in the mirror, or step on the scale, and I see all the progress I've made, and I don't want to give that up. My hard work wasn't for nothing.

My husband is my biggest source of encouragement. He lifts me up when I want to quit. He keeps me going, and for that I am grateful for without him I wouldn't be where I am today in so many areas of my life, not just weight loss.

So I am onto Phase 3. This should be the phase where I meet my final goal of 125. I am so close and it's well over a decade coming.

90 day Weight: 132.9
Body fat %: 25.9

120 day Weight: 131.1
Body fat %: 25.6%

150 day Weight: 126.8
Body fat %: 24.3%

Total Weight loss for Round 2: 6.1 pounds
Total body fat % loss for Round 2: 1.6%

Total weight loss since starting P90X: 24.5 pounds
Total body fat % loss since starting P90X: 5.9%

Pictures! Hubby goofed and put 60/180 when it should be 60/150 but other than that they look pretty good.

Thanks for looking. Before you know it I'll be done with the second round of P90X. Won't that be incredible?!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 8 Recovery

Well we've made it to the recovery week again. Even though I am not a fan of Core Synergistics, I really do look forward to the recovery week. My Abs like the rest from Ab Ripper especially. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. Looking at my calendar I'll be finishing up my second round of P90X on October 22nd. That seriously is right around the corner, and it will be here before I know it.

I love this time of year. October is my favorite month of the year and I am looking forward to it greatly. I've already started thinking about plans to keep me from packing on the Halloween candy pounds. I think this year if we do buy candy, we'll lean towards candy that hubby and I do not like. That way we won't be tempted to eat it while it's in the house. I am sure that our sweet girls will part with a piece or two of the good stuff that they get in their bags, so we won't be totally denying ourselves, and we will be avoiding a whole lot of temptation.

That's it for now. Hubby and I are into a good groove this week and I am hoping it continues well into next week. Keep pushing play, I know I will.

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday, Friday, Friday ohhhh....!

It's been a good P90X week so far. I am feeling 100% again which is great considering how badly I was feeling last Friday. Hubby and I have been working out strong all week long. We've had to switch DVD's on Tuesday and Thursday because hubby is riding on Tuesdays now, but it's still working out good. Hubby is enjoying riding his new bicycle, and it is really helping to keep his weight loss going in the right direction. He's doing great. I'm about four to five pounds away from my goal weight. It's so close, and yet feels so far away. I figure as long as I keep eating healthy and exercising I'll make it by the end of October. Hopefully. Candy is a friend of mine. =P

Just thought I'd throw out a little update since my last one wasn't too upbeat. Still on track, still bringing it, and trying to spread the word.

Monday, September 5, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 6

This past week wasn't a good one for me and P90X. It started out fine with a good workout on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday it was clear that I was sick. It started with a sore throat and a mild fever. By Friday I was in the midst of a full on cold. Hubby was kind and picked me up some medicine and cough drops from CVS. Saturday I started to feel a little bit better, but I wouldn't say I was 100% until today. Due to my illness I didn't do my P90X the past four days. I kind of feel guilty about it, but on the other hand I was just miserable, and I think making myself do the P90X when I was that sick would have only made me feel worse. I felt it was better to rest up, and start fresh this week.

So that's where I am. A new week. A recovered body. And honestly when I think about it I haven't been really sick since I started this P90X thing. Yes, I've gotten a headache once or twice, and an upset tummy once, but no real illnesses until now. And I think that is because I am healthier. I am exercising a lot, and building up my immune system. I am eating better things, healthier foods that help me be strong and stay well. So oh well if I had to miss a few days this week, over the long haul I think that P90X has probably kept me healthier then ever before. =)
Back to pushing play and Bringing it.