Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's official! I made my goal!

It's been a while since I've last blogged, but at least I can come back with exciting news. Yesterday I made my goal weight of 125lbs, in fact I weighed in at 124.1!!! This is the lightest I have been in at least eight years, definitely before I had kids. I have tried to lose the weight so many times in the past, and I have gotten within five pounds of my goal, but I have never been able to make it all the way and keep the weight off.

The difference this time is P90X, and lots of willpower! It has not been easy, and I haven't been perfect this past month, but I haven't given up, I just keep pushing play even when I've missed a day or two. I get back on track and I don't stop. I will not let the weight creep up on me again. I will not lose this body that I have worked so hard to build into something that I can be proud of.

This week we've been on track. We've been bringing it. We've worked out even when I've been tired and cranky and I think we're back on a roll. Hubby and I have goals for the end of the year. He wants to be under 200lbs by New Years and I'd like to weigh 120. Maybe when I get to 120 I'll think I am too skinny, I don't know. I know that I want to try and get there and see how I look and feel.

We have two more weeks left of Phase 3 and then we'll head into Round 3 of P90X. Thanks again to my husband who is my biggest supporter, and for the few of you that still read my blog. I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lillian 125 you must look great!!! I also love the fact that you and your husband are doing this together. You have the support you need. I love P90X and can see that you do too. Round 3 You Go Girl!!!!
