Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 2 Plyometrics

Let me start off by saying OWIE!!! I hurt. Yesterday morning my body wasn't hurting too much, but by evening I was feeling the full effects of the chest and back exercises the day before. I felt like a T-rex unable to lift my arms above my head without letting out a squeal of pain. The downward dogs in the cool down period almost had me in tears. It isn't much better this morning, it still feels like someone beat my chest, arms, and core with a huge pipe. If I didn't know that this will get easier I may be tempted to quit, but I know the first week is the hardest so I will keep P90Xing.

Last night's work-out went o.k. Unlike Monday I didn't overdue it. I hopped/jumped/ and squatted my way through the work-out. I have done better, but considering it was only Day 2 and I was very sore from the night before, I think I did o.k. overall. My least favorite move is the squat jacks. They hurt normally, but add to them that I had to put my arms on my head and it was a new brand of pain. We didn't do the sports bonus. We were not ready for that yet.

Tonight we'll be doing lots of curls. I don't know how my poor arms are going to handle it. Aspirin is my friend.

Oh and one more thing. I weighed myself yesterday and I weighed 139.0. I'm happiest when I am under 130, with 125 being my ultimate goal. But it's not all about weight. It's about how my clothes fit and right now a majority of my shorts are not fitting well at all. I'm usually a size 6 in shorts. I'd like to get back to that. And I'd like for my tummy to be flatter again. Ab Ripper will help with that, although we are waiting a bit for starting that particular brand of torture.

Okay that's it for today. I'm out.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

P90X 2014

I'm baaaaack. It's been a long time. What have I've been up to? Well we did another round of P90X a couple of years ago. Last October we used a couch to 5k app and managed to make it all the way through so that we were running for 30 minutes straight. Unfortunately we stopped doing any exercise at all over the holidays and we began to gain weight. The scale kept creeping up, and my eating habits became poorer and poorer, until we said enough is enough! So even though I didn't exactly want to go back to P90X, we know it works so my husband and I started a brand new round last night. We're baaack.

Chest and Back greeted us like an old friend. The moves were familiar. Push-ups and Pull-ups. Rinse and repeat. It was not as bad as I remember, we're old pro's at what the moves are, even if we can only manage to get in 3 diamond push-ups. We know what we're doing, we just have to build up our strength and endurance.

This morning my muscles feel tired. They will probably hurt later, or tomorrow. I expected as much. Tonight is our old friend Plyometrics. I am sure it's going to kick our asses, and I *think* we're ready. We shall see.